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The Works of John Wesley Volume 25~26 Letters <2±Ç>
ÆǸŰ¡°Ý 8,000 ¿ø
Àú ÀÚ Edited by Frank Baker
ÃâÆÇ»ç Abingdon Press / 1980, 1982 ³âµµ / 763, 684 ÆäÀÌÁö
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The Works of John Wesley Volume 25: Letters I (1721-1739)
The Works of John Wesley Volume 26: Letters II (1740-1755)

Although many of the letters of John Wesley are of value as literature--especially as crisp statements of his views or desires with little attempt at embellishment--their major importance is as a revelation of him as a man and of the people and events of his day, especially those linked with the Methodist movement. They furnish us, in fact, with a portrait through seventy years that is both more revealing in detail and fuller in coverage than any other source.

The correspondence presented in this first of seven planned volumes of Wesley's Letters offers many intimate glimpses of the man during his early years which are available nowhere else: of his strong family ties, of his leaning upon his mother for theological and spiritual as well as moral guidance, of his bedazzlement by Mary Pendarves (later Mrs. Delany), of the noble experiment of the Holy Club at Oxford, of the struggle between spiritual ideals and worldly reality during his brief ministry in Georgia, and of the birth of the Methodist societies in London and Bristol.


The second volume of letters in The Works of John Wesley, this text spans the years 1740-1755.

"This is the second of the seven volumes devoted to Wesley's correspondence. It presents details about more than a thousand letters by three hundred persons, over four hundred being printed fully, and over three hundred by means of brief quotations, or by clues to their contents or purpose. Almost two-thirds of the published letters are from Wesley's own pen. Most of the remainder fill in the background or outcome of his letters, though a number have been selected for some other special significance. More than one-fifth of the letters by Wesley are not available in Telford's edition. The great bulk of the letters as a whole are presented in a carefully verified text (often for the first time) from the original holographs or other primary sources. Footnotes to all Wesley's out-letters introduce his correspondents, elucidate references, and identify the sources of his frequent quotations. The in-letters are annotated much more lightly. The appendix (continued from the previous volume), lists all the known letters written or received by Wesley during the years 1740-55, along with details about the location of the text, whether in this volume or elsewhere." (from the Preface and Acknowledgements)

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